Daily Cancer Horoscope August 29 (29/08)


Jun 22 − July 22

Alias: Alias: The Crab

August 29


daily cancer horoscope:

summary cancer daily

Star 7/10

Youve waited patiently for reassurance to come your way. Youve probably sensed it was on its way but were unsure of when it would walk through the door. Now, it appears it has arrived, but you might be wary of it. You appear to need reassuring about reassurance youre being offered! This is probably a sign of how deep a level of mistrust is within you. Thats what needs to be released. If you can be more trusting in a specific way, then you will feel more reassured.


summary cancer tomorrow

Star 7/10

A little bit of hope can often go a very long way. When we view a situation as hopeless, we tend not to be greedy where wanting even just a tiny glimmer is concerned. In an area of your world, youre aware of effort youve invested yet seem to be experiencing only tumbleweeds where you wish the promise of hope was stronger. You might receive only a glimmer shortly, but it will be enough to lift your spirits enormously.


summary cancer weekly

Star 8/10

Life would be easier if someone accepted youre right about a particular matter. This would remove a delay attached to making progress where you could be close to reaching the end of your tether. Its possible someone accepts youre right on one level but is determined to find a flaw in your thinking on another. The coming week offers a chance to state your case clearly and for someone to finally accept its best for all concerned if they ceased wasting time trying to prove you wrong!


summary cancer monthly

Star 10/10

Two eclipses occur this month, one on the 7th influencing investments or money that comes from sources other than earnings and the second on the 21st influencing your earnings! So, August clearly has a strong monetary and financial emphasis. One financial door closes, and another opens during coming weeks so have faith in the fact that whatever comes to an end marks the start of something new. Its the New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 21st that could have you punching the air with delight as a new and intriguing source of income presents itself.


health cancer daily

Star 10/10

Your system has been hoping for a transit like the one occurring now, whether you know it or not! The influence of the positions of the planets will help you organize your wellness program for the next few months. The time is now to focus on your body, internally as well as externally. You will be able to think about what you eat from a digestive perspective as well as a \"how do I look?\" perspective. Learn to eat what is easy to digest.


health cancer tomorrow

Star 10/10

The pull to do what\s right for you and others is going to be very strong this week, and for months to come. The gathering of planets makes your internal moral code turn from pastel to neon, and you will want to express your love for righteousness in many ways. Do not neglect your own body during this period in any way. The rest you need, the healthy diet, the affection you want to give and receive are all of vital importance now.


health cancer weekly

Star 7/10

The cosmos suggests that if your love life is off balance, your health suffers. Now you should feel a lot more peaceful and confident about your associations with others. That, in turn, will have a positive effect on your health. It all interconnects and works in cycles. You\ll see!


health cancer monthly

Star 9/10

There could be a tendency to indulge as luscious Venus moves further into your sign this month. If youre on a diet, it might be more difficult to stay with it unless youre very disciplined. However, restrictive Saturns continued presence in your lifestyle sector encourages you to keep going even if you do experience a minor slip. The good news is that this constructive planet will forge ahead on August 25, and this could be a turning point for you. As a result, you may begin to feel more energized and perhaps more productive, which is all to the good.


love cancer daily

Star 8/10

There is a strong sense of romantic passion in the air today, as well as a feeling of closeness. The day\s planetary configuration indicates that you have a chance to express how you feel honestly and openly. It is also a great time to clear the air on any subject that may have become a sticking point, as there is genuine warmth and good feeling present.


love cancer tomorrow

Star 8/10

Today is one in which the whole world of imagination and fantasy are important. The day\s planetary configuration indicates that you have access to the world of powerful images. How you use these is up to you. Positive images can get your love life off to a whole new start, and negative ones can make things worse. How are your thoughts making things better or worse between you?


love cancer weekly

Star 8/10

If there isnt anyone encouraging you to be brave and bold in your dating encounters, youll have to do it yourself. Giving yourself a little pep talk before each romantic encounter can work wonders for your self-confidence. There are good reasons to have hope at the end of the week, so smile and laugh with an attractive stranger. And dont be surprised if you get that storybook ending after all.


love cancer monthly

Star 10/10

When Mercurys retrograde ends on August 12, you can let up on the micromanaging. You like to control various aspects of the relationship, but give yourself a break from it just this once. A difficult Venus-Jupiter square on August 17 has you questioning if youre really happy in your current relationship, but are you focusing on the wrong things? Wait to see if your mood shifts before you make any major changes. Venus leaves your gentle sign for loud and proud Leo on August 25, creating a me first atmosphere. What kind of turn will a budding relationship take if youre both only focused on yourselves?


career cancer daily

Star 8/10

Team up with someone in the workplace instead of trying to do everything by yourself. Having someone by your side will make the day go by much more quickly and smoothly. Furthermore, you will be twice as efficient as you would be working alone.


career cancer tomorrow

Star 10/10

You have the perfect amount of ambition and courage, combined with good relations with others, to be extremely effective in the workplace today. Both these fantastic talents will be recognized and highlighted, so don\t be afraid to show them off.


career cancer weekly

Star 10/10

Reach out and recognize anyone who is doing a good job. In stressful times, finding things to be positive about has a powerful effect. Midweek is a luckytime to interview for a new or better position. Your good memory and the ability to adapt can earn you well-deserved attention. Accept any opportunity for additional training. Week\s end is a high-energy time. You\re likely to be able to do work in half the time it takes someone else.


career cancer monthly

Star 7/10

Paying off a debt around August 7 will allow you to move in a new direction. Take this chance to fill a void. Youll be especially successful offering products and services that have an emotional resonance. Whether youre dealing in childcare, health products, or entertainment, youll attract an enthusiastic following. An exciting moneymaking opportunity will arrive around August 21. Not only will you earn a big paycheck from doing this work but youll also win acclaim. Youve been blessed with sizable leadership ability. Use it to challenge assumptions about how to conduct business. Offer a refreshing alternative to tired routines.



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