Daily Gemini Horoscope December 31 (31/12)


May 21 − Jun 21

Alias: Alias: The Twins

December 31


daily gemini horoscope:

summary gemini daily

Star 7/10

We know we dont get second chances to make first impressions. It can be amazing how quickly we draw conclusions about others. We believe we have accurate measure of a person within seconds and the conclusion we draw can often be so very different to how the person wants to be seen or is conveying themselves. You might need to invest some effort to ensure youre seen in a way you want to be seen by someone in particular. If you must drop a faade, then do so.


summary gemini tomorrow

Star 7/10

If you could do with some words of encouragement, then they appear to be coming. Where you might have adopted a negative belief where a particular ability is concerned, it appears someone else has faith in what you can do or deliver. Dont allow an opportunity to slip straight through your fingers because of a perceived shortfall in your talent, skills or expertise. Someones faith in you is justified, so, if nothing else, humor them. A revelation awaits if you can.


summary gemini weekly

Star 9/10

Geminis tend to be better at giving advice than taking it and it has little to do with arrogance. You tend to be one step ahead of others thinking and it often becomes clear to you that one persons Eureka Moment is an epiphany you had long ago. Sometimes, someone comes along and offers advice that ticks every box in terms of what you need. Be receptive to advice or suggestions coming your way this week because one in particular will offer a tailor-made solution.


summary gemini monthly

Star 10/10

Relationships will be a focal point this month, due to a Sun/Saturn link occurring in your solar seventh house of commitment. This could prove to be a wake-up call or a swift reality check where your connection or involvement with a certain person is concerned. This is reinforced by the Full Moon in your sign on the 13th that could see you focusing more intently on your needs and whether an involvement or commitment is - or is no longer meeting your expectations.


health gemini daily

Star 10/10

You may be needed by everyone today. The aspect at play has a way of making people more emotional than usual, and they tend to run to the nearest person to help process the uncomfortable, the challenging, the downright scary. You may experience your own deep feelings welling up, and its important to take time out to notice whats going on inside of yourself. Here is an ideal scenario: invite your loved ones to dinner and take a long walk afterwards.


health gemini tomorrow

Star 7/10

Conflict is not your specialty, and you may find yourself turning your back today on those who seem to revel in conflict. Do not try to understand why others do what they do or say what they say. If you can avoid becoming involved, give yourself a pat on the back. Take yourself seriously today and consider your health. Your back supports your body during times of stress. Its important to adequately relax your entire back. A yoga class or a hot bath is in order!


health gemini weekly

Star 7/10

The cosmos could test you, especially if you push yourself when you dont feel like it. Minor conflicts and some frustrations could cause a physical reaction. Dont let your blood pressure rise. Try and stay calm. You might be more prone to infections, so avoid crowded places. Breathe in the scent of tea tree oil.


health gemini monthly

Star 7/10

Although your wellness sector isnt in focus, you could be drawn to information that provides a blueprint for a better way of living. However, you might not want to try this alone but prefer to join others and start together. There is power in numbers for you this month. Youll have the support you need if youre a member of a club or online group. Once Mars heads into Pisces on December 19 you may benefit from increasing your dosage of vitamins and minerals to help ward off colds and flu, as you could be more susceptible.


love gemini daily

Star 9/10

The energy of the day makes socializing a very easy and lighthearted affair. You feel great about everyone, but not over-passionate about anyone in particular. You are happy just to share your fabulous personality, and enjoy flirting with all kinds of interesting and fascinating people. In fact, anyone who has a unique story to tell is your new best friend. Just enjoy the day.


love gemini tomorrow

Star 9/10

The astral aspect at play brings that old touch of magic to love and relationships today. But although it may seem truly fantastic, and as though you have been transported to the seventh heaven or cloud nine, dont presume that this is the glorious being themselves, now arrived to save you from loneliness, boredom, and a freezing cold bed. It could be, but just dont bank on it yet!


love gemini weekly

Star 7/10

You feel absolutely sure about someone in the beginning of the week, but theres a slight chance youre wrong. Wait a little longer before you make your final decision. You love to go on adventurous dates and adrenaline-inducing exploits over the weekend, and the more your blood starts pumping, the more passionate you feel. And guess what? Theres nothing wrong with acting spontaneously during those exciting moments!


love gemini monthly

Star 10/10

A Mars/Jupiter trine on December 1 improves communication, so expect favorable results if and when you finally get up the nerve to ask out that hottie you have your eye on. Saying the wrong thing isnt ideal, but it isnt a deal breaker either. The Full Moon in Gemini on December 13 is also a Supermoon, so its effects are doubled. Its never been clearer that endings are both necessary and cathartic. Dont miss the chance to learn and grow. As Uranus turns direct on December 26, your chances of being swept off your feet increase. Romantic surprises are the best.


career gemini daily

Star 9/10

Keeping your mind on the task at hand may be virtually impossible today. Even if you are able to mentally focus, you wont be able to engage any drive or passion into your work. Call it quits early today. There is no sense in fighting yourself.


career gemini tomorrow

Star 8/10

Take the initiative today. Dont wait for others to give you the green light. Take control of the situation yourself. There is no reason for you to wait any longer just because other people are slacking. Take this opportunity to get ahead.


career gemini weekly

Star 7/10

The Universe brings a powerful time that supports important challenges and transformations. Take the time to slow down and reassess your work life and direction. If youre looking for a job, this is the time to make contacts. In any situation where you want to succeed, youll be most effective if you make personal contact through face-to-face meetings. Dont rush. There is the potential for accidents now.


career gemini monthly

Star 10/10

All eyes will be on you mid-December. Dont be surprised when youre given a big bonus on or around December 13. Your ability to attract customers from all walks of life is more precious than gold. Instead of focusing narrowly on an existing market, you were willing to branch out and the risk has paid off. Remember this moment the next time youre discouraged from trying something new. You could be given a big bonus as the final days of December approach. Use this windfall to further your career ambitions. Invest in an impressive status symbol or stylish business suit.



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