Daily Leo Horoscope July 29 (29/07)


July 23 − Aug 22

Alias: Alias: The Lion

July 29


daily leo horoscope:

summary leo daily

Star 10/10

You might feel a sense of frustration as it becomes clear a certain plan needs finalizing before it can be actioned, especially if you thought all the sorting, assessing and finalizing had been done already. This delay is temporary but essential. Taking a bit of time to ensure you and anyone else associated with your plan know what theyre doing from the outset will save considerable stress later.


summary leo tomorrow

Star 10/10

As much as you might wish there was more activity occurring in an area of your world, you might be oblivious to how invisible much of the activity really is. You understandably dont want to have to guess at whats being done to progress a certain plan; you want to see tangible results. These will present themselves very shortly. For now, trust that something is progressing at the pace it needs to.


summary leo weekly

Star 10/10

Whatever log jam has existed in an area of your world recently looks set to shift from this week. Where you might have grown used to a certain restriction or frustrating need to apply patience over and above what you believed to be necessary, a red light looks set to turn green. Try to be aware of how much harder youve had to work recently to convey ideas to gain others support because, this week, you could find far less effort and far fewer words are needed.


summary leo monthly

Star 10/10

If youve felt detached from friends recently, then coming weeks offer superb opportunities to strengthen or form bonds. Any effort made to network or form new alliances will prove beneficial and productive. For some Leos, it might become apparent one friendship has potential to become something deeper. Tension on the work front could manifest around the Full Moon on the 9th but its nothing tact and diplomacy wont resolve. At month end, a surge of passion underpins a plan or project close to your heart. With your determination levels so high, success is assured!


health leo daily

Star 9/10

While many find you to be \"hot/cold,\" this is not totally accurate. You are actually highly consistent and dedicated to your passions - it is the \"passions\" that fluctuate naturally. If you find yourself wanting new foods or flavors, do not deny yourself these inroads to higher truth! The cravings for hot spices like curry or chili peppers or cooling agents like avocado and yogurt are truly beneficial for your system. Pay attention to your inner voice through diet, and thrive!


health leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

You thrive on having a secret plan. This is nothing to be ashamed of! Secret plans are really pacts you make with yourself - a way of challenging yourself and being protected at the same time from public scrutiny. Now is a great time to isolate a particular health goal: improve your skin by drinking copious amounts of water throughout the day, improve your muscle tone with furtive trips to the gym, or save your pennies and treat yourself to a relaxing getaway!


health leo weekly

Star 7/10

Despite being a romantic sign, you could feel too overworked and rundown to be bothered with love. However, there\s hope. Eat plenty of protein, fresh vegetables, and fruits and give your system a chance to build up strength. A workout or two to tone your muscles wouldn\t be a bad idea, either. The better you feel physically, the more fun you\ll have with your partner.


health leo monthly

Star 10/10

Should you experience any symptoms at the start of the month or around the July 8 Full Moon, a visit to your health professional can help put your mind at ease. Its likely youll be extremely busy and in need of a break, so stress could play a factor in any health-related issue. Taking time out for yourself and mulling over your priorities may give you insights into what needs to change. On July 20, your vitality could increase by leaps and bounds when Mars (and later the Sun) enters your sign. You should find it easier to shake any mild infections or other issues.


love leo daily

Star 8/10

Love to you is an adventure, and a doorway full of promise. If you wish to create more romance in your life today, then be prepared to be a little bold, and to blow your own trumpet. Don\t be shy about touting your accomplishments or talking about your many talents. It is this that will literally propel you into a new world, and hopefully to a new lover.


love leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

You can either joke your way through your day today, or you can take a stroll in Mother Nature, find a shady spot under a tree, and sit down to contemplate exactly what you should do next. Thought and reflection would be the best option, quite honestly, and actually, you may have already come to your decision. You just need a little more time to get that added touch of clarity.


love leo weekly

Star 8/10

Is someone jealous of your budding romantic relationship? Watch out at the start of the week for someone who may be trying to drive a wedge between you and someone youve been flirting with lately. You look to the future with interest later in the week, and you cant help but imagine what life would be like in a long-term partnership. Before you think about settling down, make sure youre with the one and not the one for right now.


love leo monthly

Star 7/10

You have some interesting and novel ideas about romance during the Mercury/Uranus square on July 4, but you have trouble following through. Dont promise more than you can deliver, because giving a new romantic prospect the wrong idea will only lead to disappointment down the line. Youre particularly engaged during the Venus/Jupiter trine on July 18, and youre eager to try new things. As you welcome these experiences, try to let go of past negative ones. The Sun and Mars conjoin in Leo on July 26, giving you the courage to ask someone out again. If its no again this time, maybe you should move on.


career leo daily

Star 10/10

Curb your need to over-plan. Your tendency may be to search for days to find every potential pothole, but right now, there is no time for that. Instead, you need to move forward. Have confidence in yourself and get moving instead of planning.


career leo tomorrow

Star 7/10

You are in a good position to push your ideas through today. Others will be captive audiences for you. Trust that what you say will be heard by the right people and will launch you into a wonderful new phase of your career. You are on your way up.


career leo weekly

Star 10/10

You may feel particularly passionate now. This can motivate you in positive ways but also trigger a confrontation. Spend more time with co-workers you admire. This is the luckiest time to apply for a new job or hold team meetings. Take a serious and cautious approach to what you do at work. Don\t be discouraged by any limitations you encounter. Do your best with a narrower focus.


career leo monthly

Star 8/10

You will breathe a sigh of relief when you finish a demanding job around July 9. This is a cause for celebration. Because of your impressive performance on this assignment, youll get much better projects in the future. If youve outgrown your current job, take this chance to apply for a more prestigious one. An impressive company will be eager to welcome you aboard. July 23 allows you to showcase your creative ability. This is a great time to audition for a part, interview for a job, or enter a contest. Victory will be that much sweeter when you vanquish some highly talented rivals.



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